Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee 

Advisory Board

CoMoRea´24 formed an advisory-board consisting of former CoMoRea organizers. The advisory board will make sure the quality of the CoMoRea workshop stays on the high level like in past editions.

The advisory-board consists of:

Short Bios of Chairs

Pascal Hirmer is a post-doctoral researcher at the Universität Stuttgart in the department of Applications of Parallel and Distributed Systems (IPVS/AS). His research interests are Internet of Things, context-awareness, service provisioning and composition, and cloud computing. His work is published in journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings. After 2018, it is his third time organizing the CoMoRea workshop at Percom.

Gabriele Civitarese is an assistant professor at the University of Milan, Italy, in the department of Computer Science. He is a member of EveryWare Lab. His research interests are in the area of context-awareness, and particularly in hybrid knowledge-based and data-driven activity recognition methods. He published his research results in prestigious international journals and conferences.

Jadwiga Indulska is an Emeritus Professor of Pervasive Computing in the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Her research interests are in the areas of computer networks, distributed computing and pervasive computing. Over the last two decades, her research has addressed many problems in pervasive and autonomic computing including context information models for context-aware applications; autonomic management of context information; privacy of context information; software engineering of context-aware applications; balancing user control and software autonomy; autonomic and  rapidly deployable mesh networks; and Software Defined Networks. She serves on editorial boards of journals on pervasive computing including the Elsevier Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing and on numerous conference program committees.